Tag Archives: Devotions

Morning Devotion – November 21, 2013, James 2:8

If you really fulfill  the  royal law according to the Scripture,  “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well;

– James 2:8

helping-old-lady-cross-streetSometimes it’s really hard to remember this Commandment, especially when all that’s being thrown at you is negativity from others around you.

Today, I am really going to observe this Commandment and see where it takes me! I believe that the good things you do come back to you…

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A Very Trying Morning…

This morning was a very difficult morning. Morning devotion was disrupted by the screams of arguing kids upstairs, I forgot to put grounds in the coffee maker, so I poured myself a cup of hot water and the kids were late to school because I lost track of time.

On the way to work, I was planning on brightening up my morning by getting a nice cup of overpriced (decaf) Joe at Starbucks only to find that I left my money and credit card at home today. GRRRR…. Double Facepalm!

I finally managed to scoop up enough change to get a small coffee, and realized that I was acting like a crack addict! Was this one cup of coffee that important? Looking up, I decided to let God tell me what I actually needed. He gave me this:

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

– Psalms 37:4

A co-worker offered me a cup of their freshly brewed coffee, and it just so happened that they drink decaf!

Double Facepalm

Nightly Devotion, November 18, 2013 Psalms 4:8

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou,  Lord , only makest me dwell in safety.

– Psalms 4:8

Tonight I am tired. It has been a long day. Ever since I made the decision to follow our Lord, Jesus Christ, Satan has been coming into my dreams, showing me things that I do not want to see. Last night, I dreamt that I was in this small town. It was present day, but everyone was dressed either Gothic or in 1800’s attire.

Rituals were being performed, but they were not holy. My wife was hanging from the rafters by her wrists in one of the town halls along with many other women, all of which were about to receive a branding (I couldn’t see what the brand was) on their exposed left breast.

My children were not in the dream. We didn’t have kids in it. Eventually, my wife and I escaped in a car into a corn field.

Tonight, I say this prayer and ask God to take away these unholy nightmares. I ask for a peaceful rest, and prosperity in the morning.


First Post

A proper first post for someone of faith such as I might just start with Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

But I’d rather start with Revelation 22:12 –

Surely, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me.

For any faithful man, woman or child, this promise marks eager anticipation and hope for what is to come.

It has been just a month or so since I made the choice to follow God seriously
Now, I wasn’t a bad guy before that. I was just your average guy, about to turn 40. I smoked, drank on occasion and enjoyed lustful encounters with my wife (100% faithful) from time to time. I work the 9 to 5 and she stays home with the kids. We had a pretty good life before, and loved life, had respect and reverence for God, but the one thing I lacked was motivation and devotion to the Higher Power.

This blog isn’t for everyone.
In fact, its really just my study guide while on the road. I keep a permanent bible in my backpack and devote myself daily to the scriptures.

A Faithful Husband blog isn’t about trying to be faithful to my wife. That’s not an issue. This blog is is the documentation of my personal Bible studies, mostly written on my Samsung Galaxy S3 or on the iPad with the WordPress App.

I study both the New King James and the New international Version, and quite here from either on (whichever I happen to be holding at the time).

My wife has been SDA all her life, but I just started learning and following the Word about a month ago seriously.

Well, again, nothing formal here. This blog is just my study notes while I’m on the road, at work or just when I have a spare moment. Some posts will be commented, others not.

Follow the blog if you’d like. Comment if you feel compelled.

God Bless You.
